11 Reasons Why CBD Oil Is So Popular

CBD oil popularity has grown rapidly and we can see that the CBD oil industry has flourished, and consumer demand for CBD products has soared in recent years. According to the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), the UK CBD market will generate £690 million in annual sales in 2021.
For that reason, you might be wondering what is CBD oil, how does it work, and what are CBD health benefits? This article will answer these questions and discuss the 11 benefits of CBD for health and well-being.
What Is CBD Oil, and What Does CBD Do?
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is the chemical compound from the cannabis Sativa plant. When consumed or applied topically, it’s thought to interact with the neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system and send signals between your cells. These signals help regulate your movement, mood, homeostasis, and immune system.
What Is CBD Good For? Pure CBD Benefits
According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report, naturally-occurring CBD is safe and tolerated well in humans. There is no evidence of a public health-related problem associated with the use of pure CBD.
Many people turn to CBD as a substitute for pharmaceutical drugs to relieve symptoms. As research and human studies continue to better understand CBD effects and how it works, there is initial evidence that CBD helps manage numerous health conditions.
Medical Benefits of CBD
Discoveries of the potential benefits of CBD oil are diverse. Below we’ll discuss some of the most prominent highlighted on a CBD benefits chart.
1. CBD For Anxiety
CBD could have a positive effect on your mental health. A clinical trial established that CBD effects could increase serotonin levels and decrease well-known stress hormone cortisol levels.
Serotonin is commonly used to treat various mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression. Another study demonstrated that CBD had a significant anxiety-lowering effect when taken daily by teenagers with a social anxiety disorder.
2. Cancer-Fighting Abilities
Though studies are in their early stages, some have investigated what role CBD effects have in preventing cancer cell growth. The NCI (National Cancer Institute) say that CBD benefits may include helping alleviate cancer symptoms and the side effects of cancer treatment.
CBD’s ability to moderate inflammation and change how cells reproduce is promising for cancer treatment. Benefits of CBD for cancer also include its effect on reducing the ability of specific tumour cells to reproduce.
3. Seizure Control
When it comes to seizures, what does CBD do? Researchers are looking into how much CBD effects can lessen the number of seizures in people with epilepsy and how safe it is to use. Research into seizure disorders so far is hopeful.
4. Chronic Pain Relief
Many of the chemical compounds in cannabis are cannabinoids. Due to their chemical makeup, cannabinoids have been linked to providing chronic pain relief. When used topically, the benefits of CBD oil do not affect the systemic issue as it might if it were introduced directly into the bloodstream. Topical CBD oil benefits are more localised as it directly focuses on a particular area, producing a more prominent effect.
5. Anti-Inflammatory Effect
A CBD benefits list would not be complete without mentioning its anti-inflammatory effect. Many studies have shown the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil, and it has the potential to treat inflammatory-related symptoms and conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or acne.
6. Potential to Treat Psoriasis
Plenty of research into other CBD medicinal effects suggests that it can effectively manage psoriatic arthritis. Many people with psoriasis use CBD. THC cannabinoids have also been linked with pain relief.
7. Bone Strengthening Capabilities
Benefits of CBD oil also include encouraging the healing of bones after fractures, making bones stronger during the healing process while increasing bone density, and preventing bone mineral loss. The collagenous matrix’s maturation is enhanced, which allows for the mineralisation of new bone tissue.
8. Neuron Protection Abilities
As we grow older, cognitive degeneration in some form is almost inevitable. However, the medical benefits of cannabis include the ability to slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Cannabis’ endocannabinoid comprises anti-inflammatories that fight the brain inflammation that leads to Alzheimer’s.
Researchers are looking at the CB1 receptor found in the brain to learn how CBD benefits can help with a disease that causes the brain and nerves to deteriorate. Studies into CBD oil benefits for treating: Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
9. Antibacterial Properties
Molecular Bioscience research found that CBD can penetrate and destroy many bacteria, including Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes gonorrhoea. CBD is particularly good at breaking down biofilms, the slimy build-up of bacteria like dental plaque on the surface of teeth, which assist bacteria in surviving antibiotic treatments.
10. Skin Care Treatment
As we become increasingly aware of the potentially harmful health effects caused by some ingredients in beauty products, many turn towards more natural solutions.
Non-medical cannabis health benefits include assistance with your beauty regime. CBD products are proven to offer a wide range of benefits when it comes to maintaining skin at peak condition. Today, many beauty products have added CBD to their ingredients, including sleep masks, shampoos, blemish creams, and more.
11. Relaxation
In a fast-paced world, being surrounded by constant stressors can make unwinding and relaxation at the end of a long day difficult. This has resulted in people looking for natural remedies to help manage stress, and CBD is a top contender.
CBD benefits also include helping users to feel relaxed and focused. It can be used effectively for an important meeting or for winding down after a tough day at work. It’s completely legal and offers a gentle and subtle effect for welcome relief when needed.
CBD Oil Benefits
In recent years, the spread of information about the proven benefits of CBD and CBD medicinal effects has resulted in CBD oil popularity. Ongoing credible studies have purported the medical benefits of cannabis and its calming effects. CBD is now an ingredient in various products, from simple oil, and tinctures to CBD-infused potato chips.
Now that you know some of the reasons why CBD oil popularity continues, all that’s left to decide is which product to try. If you’re interested in using CBD products and are looking for a reputable UK supplier, browse the Advance Biotech website for products and more information.