The Benefits of CBD for Arthritis Pain

The cannabis plant contains an active compound known as CBD, or cannabidiol. CBD does not cause intoxication, but may cause sleepiness. Hemp, a cannabis variety with only traces of THC, the active compound that gives people high, is the source of most CBD products. Let us see and understand how good is CBD for arthritis pain in this article.
Is cbd good for Arthritis?
In animal studies, CBD has been shown to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but quality human studies have yet to confirm these effects. In case-by-case reports, some arthritis sufferers who have tried CBD report reduced pain, improved sleep, or reduced anxiety.
Can CBD be used safely?
There is research underway to evaluate the safety of CBD. Information is limited at this time. Moderate doses are safe so far. People with arthritis may be adversely affected by CBD if they take certain drugs. Several medications that may interact with CBD include: corticosteroids, tofacitinib, naproxen, celecoxib, tramadol as well as some medications for fibromyalgia, such as gabapentin and pregabalin.
What are the legalities of CBD products in the UK?
CBD massage oil for pain in the UK and other CBD products are legal as they are not intoxicating, so you won’t get ‘high’ from them like marijuana would. Being on the right side of the law, however, involves following a multitude of laws and regulations:
The total amount of THC in a finished CBD product must not exceed 1 mg.
Licenced strains of industrial hemp must be used to produce CBD.
The cultivation of industrial hemp is restricted to people with a licence from the Home Office.
A CBD product derived from another country where CBD cultivation is legal can be sold in the UK.
Despite legal limits for THC, CBD flowers and buds are illegal in the UK.
To be sold in the UK, CBD products must be validated/approved for novel food applications.
CPSRs are required for CBD cosmetics (CPSR).
CBD products must be sold as nutritional supplements by sellers who are not licenced medical distributors.
CBD products must be properly labelled under the Food Supplement Regulations 2003.
Is CBD worth a try?
The lack of reliable scientific research on CBD for arthritis pain has made it impossible for doctors to tell who might benefit, how much, and in what form, who likely won’t, and who should avoid CBD. However, several points are in agreement:
There is no evidence that CBD can replace disease-modifying treatments for inflammatory arthritis.
Prior to trying CBD for arthritis pain, patients should speak with their health care provider. In addition to reviewing what has worked and not worked in the past, they can discuss if there are any other options to try first, how to conduct a trial run, what to watch for, and when to return for a follow-up appointment. Track your symptoms and doses in a diary.
Using CBD products for a long period of time can be expensive, especially when they are of high quality. If you are looking for a product to treat symptoms, make sure it actually works.
Can we recommend a product?
CBD-based products are available in oral, topical or inhalation forms. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Through mouth
Whether CBD is taken as a capsule, food or liquid, it is absorbed through the digestive system. Various factors, including slow absorption, stomach acids, recent meals, delayed onset of effect and other factors, make it difficult to dosing.
It is possible to use CBD tablets for pain in the UK every day once a safe, effective dose has been established. While gummies also are another option you could go with once you have decided on a dose on a daily basis. Make sure, these gummies are out of your child’s reach.
Sprays or tinctures (liquid dosed with a dropper) can also be used for sublingual absorption of CBD by holding the liquid beneath the tongue for 60 to 120 seconds. There may be a bitter taste. It may take 15 to 45 minutes for the effects to become apparent.
Topically (on the skin)
A topical product, such as lotion or cbd balm for joint pain UK, is applied directly onto the painful area. CBD is not known to be delivered below the skin by these products. It is also difficult to determine if a positive effect of a topical product is attributed to CBD or another ingredient, since many over-the-counter products also contain menthol, capsaicin or camphor.
Through Inhaling
Vaping pens can be used to inhale CBD. There are, however, unknown risks associated with inhaling vapour oils and chemical byproducts, especially for those who suffer from inflammatory arthritis. As a result, and because the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the connection between vaping and hospitalisations and deaths from severe pulmonary disease, it is not recommended to use vaping.
Should I use a certain amount of CBD for arthritis pain?
Arthritis Foundation medical experts recommend the following for adults, even though there are no established clinical guidelines:
You will need two measures to determine how much CBD to take in each dose of a liquid form, as there is CBD extract mixed with a carrier oil.
Don’t rush. Take it slow. Sublingual CBD can be taken twice a day starting with just a few milligrams. The dose should be increased by that same amount if relief is not achieved after one week. In case of need, increase slowly over a period of several weeks. Maintain a stable level of CBD in your blood by taking the prescribed dose twice a day if you find relief.
You can take CBD with a very low-dose THC product if CBD alone doesn’t work for you and you live in a state where marijuana is legal for medical or recreational use. You may experience cognitive, motor, and balance problems if your THC level is high, even at low levels. Whenever you use a product containing THC, try to sleep it off first.
It may not be the right CBD for you if you do not find relief with CBD alone or with CBD combined with very low THC after a few weeks.
You should immediately discontinue the use of a CBD product if you experience any unwanted side effects.