Where are we with CBD research today?
With Cannabis legalised in thirty USA states, it won’t be long before the entire globe realises the potential of this therapeutic plant.
What we have to understand is there are thousands of research institutes set up on commercial and university campuses across the world, all studying the same leaves, all producing their own unique findings. With such a complex scientific makeup of this one plant with multiple compounds, the research output is infinite.
In recent years research into the health benefits of cannabis has soared incredibly. Sadly though the industry is still behind and in it’s infancy stage. Whilst we have discovered the immense benefits CBD oils bring, who knows what other benefits we could have discovered by now, if research hadn’t been halted over 50 years ago.
Whilst, researchers are still at the surface of what could be potentially a revolutionary, life-improving breakthrough for all of mankind, there are still many researchers that have alienated themselves away because of the negative stigma they see attached to cannabis.
One of the biggest misconceptions of medical cannabis is that you need to get high on it, for it to have any benefit. This is not true, because studies have proven that patients have been able to use CBD for pain relief without any sign of a psychoactive state. In fact, THC present in high doses can make pain worse.
So, what kind of research is currently taking place on cannabis in the lab?
The avenues are endless. Scientists are studying the positive impact of low doses of cannabis on the ageing brain and also how to use CBD oil to help patients who substance abuse. Weaning patients off high doses of cannabis or opioids is possible with safe, low doses. Patients who suffer from chronic pain, who have become dependent on opioids, may be able to get help to reduce their opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Research is also focussing on how to use CBD oil to treat paediatric neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases.
There have already been proven results in cancer patients being given the all clear and now CBD could also help to slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, if not prevent it.
The future is bright
Over time, whilst this miraculous plant is being understood, we will have mountains of research results. There are so many hundreds of compounds present in one leaf, with multiple uses and benefits for millions of people and their ailments that need to be cured. Understanding the dosage levels, delivery systems and consumption methods for each type of person and each disease will go beyond our life time. Current research and changes in regulations worldwide, enable future generations who have not even sprouted yet to fulfil research for centuries to come. Positive groundbreaking results of real life patients who are using CBD oils to cure themselves is the best type of research to inspire anyone who is contemplating alternative methods of treatment.