Raw Hemp Extract
Our Raw Hemp Extract is quite simply the extract in its purest form. Rich in hundreds of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids.
Produced using traditional alchemic methods, we circulate organic alcohol through the hemp plant, extracting all the useful compounds.
Raw Hemp Extract – CBD Paste Made from Original Hemp Extract
Produced using traditional alchemic methods, we circulate organic alcohol through the hemp plant, extracting all the useful compounds.
The alcohol is evaporated off under a vacuum to protect the heat-sensitive components, and we are left with the raw hemp extract itself. All components are maintained in their original ratio, only in a purer and more potent form.
We use only the finest hand-cut hemp, which is grown organically to prevent contamination and make certain that our products are pure and natural. All products are lab tested by an approved third party to ensure legal compliance.
The raw hemp extract comes in an easy to use a syringe, simply place the extract under your tongue, allowing it to be absorbed through the sublingual glands. Please read the packaging thoroughly for dosage and do not exceed the recommended dose.
The popularity of CBD has led to many different options when it comes to taking this amazing supplement, and one of the many options available today is CBD paste. Understanding this choice and its benefits may help you discover one more way to use CBD as a health supplement in your life.
CBD paste is just one more way to consume this health supplement, and for many, it’s the easiest method of consumption.
What is CBD Paste?
CBD paste is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a thickened liquid that contains CBD. It’s typically mixed with a number of oils, waxes, or even butter, and it includes a higher concentration of CBD than many other options available today. The CBD itself is extracted using either the ethanol or supercritical CO2 method, then mixed with the paste materials for easier dosing.
How Do You Use CBD Paste?
Most CBD pastes come in a syringe-like container. To use them, you just unscrew the lid, then squeeze out the most appropriate dose for you. You can squeeze it onto the tip of your finger, but then you’ll want to smear it under your tongue. For best results, you’ll likely want to leave it there for at least thirty seconds. During those thirty seconds, it should dissolve and enter your bloodstream. If you’ve never used CBD in any form before, your best bet is to start slowly with CBD paste. Carefully monitor the effects, and if you’re not feeling the results you really want, just slowly increase the dose over time until you begin to notice the effects. Once you do, it’s best to stop increasing your dose.
The Benefits of CBD Paste
The benefits of CBD paste are comparable to the benefits of CBD in any other form. While scientific research is still inconclusive as to exactly how powerful this option can be, many people have suggested CBD can be a great supplement to help you deal with a variety of health conditions. Some have seen an impact on anxiety and depression when they begin using CBD. Others have seen some real power when it comes to relieving chronic pain. Still, others have found that it can impact skin conditions leaving you with fewer problems like acne and dermatitis. Some have even found that it helps with chronic health conditions in pets. As more research is done on CBD, it is likely that additional benefits will be discovered.
What is CBD?
CBD is also known as cannabidiol. It’s the second most powerful ingredient in the Cannabis sativa plant, which most people call marijuana. In fact, it’s one of 540 compounds inside that plant, and it has the power to act on the cannabinoid receptors that are already part of your nervous system. CBD does not produce the high that THC does, and it comes in a number of forms like CBD paste.
Is CBD Paste Legal in the UK?
CBD, whether in paste or oil form, is legal in the UK. It must contain no THC, and it has to have been derived from an industrial hemp strain that is EU-approved. There are other CBD pastes and oils that are marketed in the UK, but at Advance Biotech, we only market legal CBD products.
Are There Side Effects?
There are some potential CBD paste side effects, as there are with any health supplement. If you’re just beginning to use CBD, you may notice some fatigue, but that typically goes away after you’ve used it for some time. There are also people who notice stomach problems after they begin using CBD, but if you do notice any issues like that, simply lower your dose, and they should disappear.